Private lessons, Orchestra, Chamber Music, Performance Class, Formal Recitals, Achievement Program
What You Can Expect From Us
Welcome to the Winds/Brass Department at City Music Center. Your children will learn from outstanding teachers in the best learning environment - a University setting. It is our philosophy that excellent music training should be available to every child who wishes it and to that end we accept every child who applies. We test young beginners for readiness and we audition all entering students for placement purposes. We believe that a good match between student and teacher is very important to the learning process.
What We Expect From You
In carrying out our program of excellence, we expect students to practice daily as well as complete any written homework given at the lesson. We expect students to take the appropriate musicianship classes and to demonstrate progress. Musicianship and studio faculty are in regular communication about student progress and problems. We suggest parental attendance at all private lessons, especially with young children; and daily supervision of home practicing. Finally, we suggest that each student or parent keep a practice journal.
The success of any activity is ultimately contingent upon the degree of commitment evidenced in those directly involved. The CMC wind faculty encourages active parental involvement and pledges to respond to any concerns. In return, we remind our students and parents alike, that regular practice is not optional in this program. It is required. While the amount of daily practice can vary according to individual, the habit of consistent daily practice is essential to satisfactory progress.
Why CMC Winds?
Today’s aspiring young wind instrumentalists are the heirs to a cherished Pittsburgh tradition. Indeed, they are the latest in a progression of talented students that for generations have found, in this community, the resources and support needed to realize their respective musical goals.
Young brass and woodwind students may still choose to supplement fine grade-school and high-school ensemble programs with the private instruction which remains available to them from any of the area’s dedicated independent teachers.
The question then is why choose the City Music Center?
We believe that the most compelling reason to consider the wind instrument program at CMC relates to its function as only one element of a diverse, full service music environment. Thus, while our students can anticipate private study with one of the finest and most experienced professional performer/teachers in the area,
our students can also exercise their option to enroll in one or more of the many related CMC programs (core musicianship; comprehensive musicianship; orchestra and a variety of chamber ensembles) that have no parallel in other venues.
The CMC wind faculty is committed to providing parents and students alike with the tools for evaluating progress in the program. To this end, we encourage regular parental/student conferences with faculty. Further, a jury examination will be scheduled on a Saturday toward the end of the year for intermediate and advanced students.
Please click here to visit our Ensembles page
Chamber Music
Please click here to visit our Chamber Music page
Performance Class
The weekly Performance Class is part of the core curriculum. The purpose of this class is to give students even more experience performing in public. We often hear “I played perfectly at home, but I don’t know what happened on the stage.” No matter how well the piece is prepared, the mind may play tricks during a performance. To avoid unfortunate mistakes and memory slips students must learn how to focus, direct their thinking process to artistic goals rather than the notes, and most importantly to project confidence. I always tell my students “Doubt and criticize every note when you practice, but be the greatest on stage”. ”You can’t recreate the performance environment at home or even at your lessons because of the lack of an audience. This is why this class is irreplaceable for every performing student.
Formal Recitals
In addition to the weekly Performance Class, 3 formal recitals and 4 dedicated Suzuki Recitals are held during the year.
Achievement Program
City Music Center is proud to offer students the opportunity to participate in the Carnegie Hall and Royal Conservatory Achievement Program. This program is optional for all CMC students.
Please visit their website to learn more about the program.
H. Carl Hess, trumpet, Chair of Brass and Woodwind
Rhian Kenny, flute
Rick Matt, Saxophone
James Gorton, Oboe
Jack Howell, Clarinet
Charles Lirette, Trumpet
Robert Schmalz, Trombone